
Thursday, August 12, 2010

养鸡不臭技术 em怎么加在饮水中 em除臭技术

EM用于养殖业的主要途径和方法是,采用微生态工程原理,筛选出适合不同畜禽需要的培养基料,制成生物活性饲料;根据畜禽种类、生长时期等的不同, 用不同浓度的EM液直接饲喂或加入饮水中;定期用EM液喷洒畜舍及投入粪池,或用EM对畜禽粪进行堆肥处理。这些途径和方法的综合运用,是充分发挥EM抗 病、增产、除臭和改善肉的品质的关键。

2.1 用EM饲喂畜禽可增加畜禽营养,提高饲料利用率,提高生长速度。

  许多有效微生物和酵母菌、光合细菌、乳酸菌等不仅含有较高的优良蛋白质,氨基酸组成齐全,还含有丰富的维生素以及大量的类胡萝卜素、抗病毒物质、生长素和 提高机体免疫能力的活性物质,作为饲料添加剂能增加畜禽营养,促进生长。由于饲喂EM,促进畜禽体内的微生态平衡发生变化,不同功能的微生物在体内代谢旺 盛,可以明显提高畜禽机体对各种营养物质的吸收和减少不必要的能量消耗,从而加快了生长速度,提高了饲料利用率。

 EM喂饲方法, 可以用直接饲喂法,按饲料量的0.2%直接喷入饲料中,边喷洒边搅拌,拌匀后即可喂用;也可采EM饮水法,不同畜禽采用不同浓度。例如鸡采用 0.1%~0.3%,猪用0.02%~0.05%配制。EM饲料可使蛋鸡提前开产,产蛋率和平均蛋重均比对照组明显提高,料蛋比下降,经济效益提高20% 以上。

2.2 饲喂em菌,可明显增强畜禽免疫能力和抗病性,提高成活率


2.3 喂em菌能改善肉的品质,提高产品质量、

由于饲用em菌,畜禽体内抗生素药物减少,不仅使畜禽生长快,而且由于体内大量有效微生物的活化作用,促进了肉质的改善,肉的蛋白质含量明显提高, 脂肪、胆固醇含量下降,肉的纤维组织有所改善,提高了肉质,肉更加鲜嫩好吃;鸡蛋呈自然风味。由于停止使用兽药,肉、蛋中不存在兽药残留。





2.4 em菌可以清除粪尿恶臭,净化生态环境

饲喂em菌饲料或饮水不仅可以提高生产,而且能减少圈舍粪便的恶臭。同时应用em菌技术对畜禽粪便进行无臭化处理,可以从根本上改善饲养场内 外环境卫生条件,减免了对大气、水源和土壤的污染,使粪便实现资源化、无害化成为可能。干燥处理后的无臭粪便,既可成为原料重新加工成饲料,也可用作高级 卫生肥料,用于草坪、盆景等。在进行鸡粪堆肥时添加em菌能显著加快堆肥的腐熟,常温下堆制20天即可,堆肥及其周围的环境卫生状况得到极大地改 善,不孳生蝇蛆,不流淌污水,不散发臭味。em菌处理后氨臭味很淡,且堆肥散发出浓郁的酒香,掩盖了仅存的少量异味。另添加em菌的堆肥能保 留较多的氮素和有机质,这不仅提高堆肥的农用价值,也改善了环境质量。应用em菌技术后,鸡粪、猪粪不臭了,但其肥效不仅没有降低,而且有所提高。 em菌处理后的鸡粪、猪粪十分畅销,原因是其中的营养成分更容易被植物分解吸收,对农作物增产、抗病、提高品质都有好处。在生猪场使用em菌 一个月后,恶臭浓度下降了97.7%,由此而引起的猪哮喘病发病率也大大降低。猪舍内臭气强度被降到了2.5级以下,达到了国家一类标准。同样EM技术对 养鸡场的除臭效果也迅速而稳定。

 因此,利用em菌促进畜禽粪便堆肥腐熟,控制臭味产生,对加速大都市郊区中大型养殖场的畜 粪处理,促进粪肥还田,改善农业环境质量具有重要意义,em菌净化畜舍空气的效果也非常明显。在猪舍、鸡舍按每立方米的空间投放20ml EM,能防止产生大量的有害气体,使各种有害气体的浓度达到卫生标准。同时臭气强度可降至0~1级之间。









在喂养的前10天内。EM原液与水的比例按1:200的稀释饮用,10天后,饮用量降低,每周加水量100倍,按1:300 1:400 直到最大1:500的比例与水稀释饮用。


Sunday, August 8, 2010



EM•1® has an amazing ability to eliminate almost any foul odor. Simply dilute some EM•1® in water and spray the area where the smells are coming from. Odors will be gone almost on contact.. The microbes will work on breaking down the materials causing the odor as well.

Surfaces that have been soaked with can be soaked with an EM•1® and water solution. It is safe on any surface. On areas where there are metal parts that have rust, you'll notice that applying the EM•1® regularly will remove the rust and the metal will become shiny again.

1. Smoke

2. Food

3. Pet Odor

4. Testimonials

5. Ingredients EM*1


Smoke from cigarettes or cigars can ruin the smell of a room. If you have an area that smells of smoke, be it a room or a car, you can get rid of the smell with the 1:10 dilution of EM•1® to water. For carpeted areas or upholstered furniture, you will have to soak the solution in using an upholstery cleaning machine or a carpet cleaner.


Although the smell of freshly baked bread or apple pie makes a home smell great, some foods we love we wish we didn't have to smell after we eat them. Fish and curries are some of these. EM•1® to the rescue!

Dilute 1 : 100 EM•1® into 500cc of water in a spray bottle and spritz the entire room or house.

Another easy way to deodorize larger areas is to add about 1/4 cup EM•1® in a vaporizer, plug it in, and let it run for a few hours. The house will smell like warm molasses while the EM•1® is fogging the room. After about 4 or 5 minutes, there will be no smell at all.


If you own a pet, it is inevitable that a

t one time or another that the animal is going either have an accident on the floor, or track in some stench from outside. No need to worry...if you have some EM•1® around.

If the animal itself smells, such as when dogs get wet, you can simply spray the animal with a 1:10 dilution of EM•1® Microbial Inoculant to water. Or, you can add about 1/4 cup of EM•1® to some bath water for the animal.

Since EM•1® is perfectly safe for all

animals, you can spray down any animal that likes water or give them a bath.

Urine and Feces
For accidents on porous surfaces,such as carpets and brick, you can soak the area with a 1:10 dilution of EM•1® to water. After it dries, if there is still some odor, simply apply once more. Two times should do the trick. For kennels, animal hospitals, animal stalls, or other large areas, using a sprayer, such as the hose-end sprayer used in the video above, is the easiest way to cover a large area quickly.


If you have ever had the misfortune of an animal being sprayed by a skunk, you'll know that the odor burns the eyes and lungs and you'd do anything to get rid of the smell. As you may have guessed, EM•1® will get rid of it in seconds. If the 1:10 dilution doesn't work, feel free to put it on undiluted. You will be glad you had s

ome EM•1® around if this ever happens!

Litter Box or cages:

If you have a pet that uses a litter box or lives in a cage (hampsters, rats, etc.) you can add about 2 cups of EM•1® Rice Bran Bokashi to fresh litter. It will control the smell of urine and feces.


We live on a small farm in Tennessee and love our pets. We take our two Yorkshire Terriers to the beauty parlor but Matilda, the “outside” dog, is a big hairy mutt and doesn’t get the same treatment. She always smells very “doggy”, especially after the rain. My friend game me some EM•1® to try and I sprayed her twice. She smelled wonderful after applying the solution but I realized that you need to remember to always do the bedding!

I was skeptical at first because she always smelled. Now she smells squeaky clean and it’s a pleasure to pet her and hug her – and I don’t come away smelling doggy too!


I was camping this weekend and our friend's dog got sprayed by a skunk. I just happened to have some activated EM with me that I had brought out to put in the stock tank and it totally did the trick! I remembered your story about dunking you dog in EM when s/he got sprayed! So thank you!

Tucson, AZ

I love EM•1® so much we have shared it with all we know and would love to see it used on a large scale to clean up our area rivers and lakes. But one use in particular that others may not know: We have a lovely old dog who is very large and with very thick hair - he is too old to bathe anymore and well...kind of smells. W e mist him with EM•1® and presto, no more old doggie smell. Works wonders on his bedding and any "accidents" on the floor.

Thank you EM•1® for making our house a healthier and cleaner home!

In peace - Tammy

Bandon, Oregon


ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Microorganisms: 1 million colony forming units/cc (units/ml), 1%: Lactobacillus Plantarum, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus delbrueckii, Bacillus subtilis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Rhodopseudomonas palustris.


96% Water and 3% Molasses


Water Gardens & Pond

Water gardens offer household gardeners some variety in landscape plantings. These small ponds develop their own ecosystem that can oftentimes go out of balance. If the water is left stagnant for too long, mosquitoes will start to inhabit the area, algae begins to form in the water, and odors can start to appear. Adding in a water feature, such as a fountain, that moves the water can cut down on these problems. Depending on the water quality, however, algae and calcium deposits may still form. You can help maintain water clarity with Effective Microorganisms™.

Using EM•1®Microbial Inoculant once per month will keep enough beneficial microbes in the system to keep nutrient levels low enough to prevent the growth of algae. Interestingly, EM•1® Microbial Inoculant also has the ability to neutralize salts, such as calcium, and prevent them from crystallizing on surfaces. It will also clean the crystallized salts off the surfaces it is in contact with.

On average, for a healthy pond or water garden, EM•1® Microbial Inoculant is applied once per month. Because of the size of ponds, we recommend the use of Activated EM*1® Microbial Inoculant and allow several weeks for the Activated EM•1® to work. Some slime (muck) from the bottom will slowly rise to the surface. Leave it and let nature do its thing as it will disappear shortly.

Treating Aquriums with Effective Microorganisms

Effective Microorganism™ is used extensively around the world in aquaculture. The same principles can work in an aquarium. In a fish aquarium, residual feed and droppings tend to rot, and ammonium nitrogen is produced. N-Type ceramics are effective in adsorbing the nitrogen. It is more effective also to use ceramics that change water into good water having a lot of dissolved oxygen by making the water clusters small (structuring water).

N-Type, 35mm pipe, K-Type, and Yugo Ball ceramics can all be used for this application.

You will need one bag of N-Type for every 10 gallons of capacity of the aquarium.

Additionally, EM-1® can be used to prevent algae growth in aquariums and ponds by competing with the algae for nutrients.

What you need from EM

For sustainable Environment and Healthy Life

EM can be applied in various ways to enhance healthy environment and healthy life:


Making compost
from kichen garbage

Spraying EM on the carpet
keeps bugs away and the
room becomes less dusty.

Spraying EM on the pets keeps flee or bugs away, eliminates
their peculiar smell. Adding a few drops of EM in their drinking water enhances their health, and their excretions becomes less semlly.

Spraying EM can keep
the kichen always clean
and shiny.

Adding a capful EM into
the washing machine re-
quires less detergent and
makes the clothes so fluffy
after rinsing, thus they dry
so quickly.

Spraying EM on the plants
enhances their healthy growth
tremendously with stronger
resisitance against diseases,
thus it eliminates the need of
use of pestiside and chemical

Spraying EM into the refrige - rator as a substitute of deodorant.

Pouring a capful EM into
the toilet or water tank prevents grime and clogging pipe, plus
keep the toilet odorless.

Spraying EM into the hood
of the car enhances the
combustion efficiency of the
gas because of anti-rustic
effect and peculiar vibrational
energy of EM, thus you can
save a lot of cost of energy.


Organic farming based on
EM compost or fertilizer and irrigation system with EM-
diluted water yields healthier
and bigger crops with richer

Chickens fed on EM-processed
food grows healthier and their egss conatins so much nutrients than normal. Notice the yellow part of a egg does not break easily because it is so healthy.



EM stands for (effective microorganisms). EM is a combination of various beneficial naturally occurring microorganisms; mostly used for or found in foods. EM contains beneficial organisms from 3 main genera: photosynthetic bacteria lactic acid bacteria and yeast. These effective microorganisms secrete beneficial substances such as vitamins organic acids chelated minerals and antioxidants when in contract with organic matter. They change soil micro flora and fauna so that disease-inducting soil becomes disease-suppressing soil which in turn has the capability to develop into axymogene soil. The anti-oxidation effects of these microorganisms pass directly to the soil or indirectly to plants maintaining their NPK and CN ratio. This process increases the humus content of the soil and is capable of sustaining high quality food production.

Effective microorganisms were developed over many years in liquid form by Prof. Dr. Teruo Higa University of the Ryukyus and finished in 1982. At first EM was considered an alternative for agriculture; chemicals. But its use has now spread to application in environmental industrial and health fields How ever it must be stressed that EM is not a synthetic chemical or a medicine but a microbial formula.


a) Industrial solid wastes / sludge
b) Municipal wastes / garbage
c) Industrial effluent
d) Sewage sludge
e) Sewage water

a) Industrial odor / tannery odor
b) Sewage odor
c) Live-stock shed odor
d) Poultry farm odor
e) Indoor odor

a) Reclamation of saline-sodic lands
b) Reuse of saline ground water as irrigation water
c) Organic farming

Using EM Technology, the hazardous metals-laden mineral sludge can be converted into nonhazardous biological sludge for safe disposal and use as biofertilizer in agriculture and as soil conditioner in ameliorating saline-alkali lands.
Using EM Technology, deodorization can be achieved in the industry premises. The elimination of obnoxious odor can be emitted from the stagnant industrial and sewage water using EM Technology.
Using EM Technology, saline-alkali lands can be reclaimed and hazardous groundwater can be made fit for irrigation purposes. The farm refuse and farmyard manure and poultry manure can be converted into compost for promoting organic farming.

Agriculture is a vast field. Land is the basic resource for growing crops at large scale to meet the food requirements of the humans and animals. The application of EM starts from the improvement of land & irrigation water, seed treatment, sprays for the enhancement of photosynthesis and control of insects, pests & diseases. EM Technology, thus, helps to:

i) reclame / ameliorate salt affected lands, improve soil structure and its related properties, improve germination of seeds, growth of crops, enhance photosynthesis, control of weeds, control on insects & disease and finally increase in yield.
ii) remove various problems relating to horticulture (gardens or orchards) to increase fruit production and its quality.
iii) enhance the quality of all types of farmyard manures i.e. animal manure, poultry manure, solid waste, litter, kitchen garbage, green leaves, grass etc when converted into compost, the application of which increases the microbial population in the root zone.
iv) accelerate decomposition of organic matter applied to the land, availability of nutrients to crops and control of insects, pests & diseases.
v) minimize the salinity hazard of groundwater used for irrigation purposes.
vi) conduct sustainable organic farming comparable to farming with synthetic fertilizers.

Vegetables are the most important diet for humans. Some vegetables are eaten as such. Vegetables are very delicate. The application of EM helps to:

i) improve the texture and quality of all the vegetables.
ii) increase the microbial population, accelerate the decomposition of organic matter in the soil and timely release of nutrients for the uptake by the vegetables.
iii) increase the yield.

Gardens & Orchards
Fruits are the rich source of vitamins and minerals to the humans. Insecticides sprays are dangerous for human health as the insecticide (poison) accumulate in the uppermost fruit layer. EM Technology has made it possible to grow fruits without insecticides. EM sprays help to control attack of insects, pests & diseases. The application of EM in various forms helps to:

i) increase microbial population, accelerate decomposition of organic matter and timely release of nutrients, improve and maintain the porosity of the soil under the canopy of fruit trees.
ii) control insects, pest and diseases
iii) enhance photosynthesis
iv) increase fruit yield and its quality
v) carry out sustainable and profitable horticulture

Parks & Lawns
Parks & lawns are maintained for the recreation of humans. People like green parks & lawns. A lot of budget is required to keep parks & lawns in good condition. The application of EM products and EM composted organic matter helps to:

i) reclame saline and alkali patches
ii) maintain the soil fertility
iii) increase microbial population
iv) improve the growth of grasses

Animal husbandry
Rearing of animals is always accompanied with foul odor, storage of fluid & solid waste, and their handling and management. It is a permanent problem. However, the application of EM helps to:

i) eliminate foul odor at the livestock, poultry and stud farms
ii) eliminate the pathogens
iii) eliminate flies and mosquitoes
iv) clean the environments
v) provide better working atmosphere to the workmen
vi) create interest in handling of EM composted material, its transport and application in the field
vii) improve digestive system by feeding EM fermented dry feed & green food and offering EM mixed drinking water
viii) improve overall shed environment and reduce / eliminate infections & diseases when sprayed at regular intervals with quantified dozes
ix) improve milk and egg yield
x) improve meat quality in livestock, poultry and fisheries
xi) reduce infant mortality

Environmental pollution:
Industries produce 3 types of pollution i.e. air pollution with the gases and smoke; surface and groundwater pollution with the wastewater (effluent) loaded with various types of salts and pollutants; and land pollution with the solid waste thrown along the road side, open drains, sewage, wastelands and agricultural lands. Industries are of many kinds and have polluted almost all the water bodies in the absence of execution of environmental laws. Latest diseases like cancer, hepatitis, respiratory diseases, diarrhea and others have been caused by the air and water pollution. EM Technology helps to:

i) convert the sludge of industries into biosludge for its safe disposal or application as biofertilizer in floriculture and parks & lawns.
ii) deodorize obnoxious odor of industrial effluent, tanneries, sewage, solid waste, municipal waste etc.
iii) prevent the breeding of flies and mosquitoes
iv) reduce the concentration of pollutants in the effluent for its safe disposal. An extra treatment can make the effluent reusable for watering of flowers and lawns.
v) control surface as well as groundwater pollution
vi) diminish the pollutants in the sewage water and clean it further for safe disposal.
vii) compost municipal waste for reuse.

Recycling of perishable kitchen garbage & Municipal Solid Waste
Kitchen garbage & City Solid Waste is the major source of pollution as it contains perishable vegetative material. It consumes lot of budget for collection and produces problems of foul odor at dumping site. The problem of such waste can be solved and much savings can be made if the kitchen garbage is handled at each household and Municipal Waste is minimized in total. Application of EM helps to:

i) convert garbage into bio-fertilizer usable at home scale.
ii) consume almost no budget, rather reduce expenditure being incurred on the purchase of organic matter from the market to maintain gardening at small or large scale.
iii) reduce the volume of garbage waste collection from each house.
iv) eliminate transportation cost to dump site.
v) reduce management cost at dump site.
vi) eliminate production of foul odor, flies and mosquitoes.
vii) clean bathrooms with the liquid fertilizer produced during recycling of garbage, thus eliminate expenditures on purchase of cleaning/washing material.

Think of EM•1® Bokashi as a fertilizer

Compost, is broken down organic matter. It is actually rotten material. Many methods of making compost exist: static pile, aerobic, sheet composting, etc. It has a place in gardening and is a great way to recycle or turn waste into something useful. However, as for nutrients, it is lacking. This is why bokashi is such a boon.

If you garden, you know that chicken manures are great for plants and soils. You also know that you can't apply fresh manure to soils where plants are growing because you'll burn the plants. Why? The high amounts of nitrogen. A couple other problems come from using fresh manure. Fresh manure has high levels of ammonia (NH3) that can leach into soils or gas off causing odor. The problem with the leaching is high levels of nitrates in the groundwater can cause blue baby syndrome...it is a toxin. A more mundane problem with fresh manures is the amount of weed seeds..mostly a problem in cow manure. If you've ever made the mistake of applying cow manure to soil without fully composting it, you know that you just planted a new lawn! So, for safety and to save yourself of the headaches of excess weeding, you need to compost manures...or so you think.

The addition of EM•1® Microbial Inoculant to conventional composting methods is beneficial as it helps increase aerobic microbial populations, controls, odors, and produces a complete product faster.

Enter EM•1® Bokashi

All organic matter/wastes has lots of nutrients and sugars to feed microbes. Animal manures contain NPK, minerals, cellulose, and lots of microbes. The conventional way to make manures usable is to compost them. You often use ratios of Nitrogen to Carbon at 1:20 1:30 and so on. Moisture content is high because you will be turning and creating heat (mostly coming from the nitrogen and the microbial activity). EPA standards for composting require high temperatures to control pathogens, attraction to pests, and for breaking down toxins.

Fermentation of these manures is pretty easy, more economical, and faster than turning. With EM Technology™, we refer to this process as "bokashi" making. The finished product is called EM•1® Bokashi. Instead of referring this to compost, we often find ourselves explaining this is a fertilizer-making method where one is able to preserve nutrients in the organic wastes, prevent burning of plants, and save lots of money. The fermentation process produces various enzymes, vitamins, and amino acids. There also is not much heat produced during fermentation. This means that the weed seeds are not killed. Actually, the exposure to the EM•1® causes the seeds to germinate more quickly, so if the wastes are spread on the surface, there will be a tremendous amount of weed seeds germinating. This, when managed properly, is a great thing because you have produced a "free" green manure that can be turned in in about 2-3 weeks.

The conclusion is that each process has its benefits. EM•1® Bokashi methods are great for faster production, but are best to be incorporated in the soil or covered by top soils and compost is great to add lots of organic matter and to use a mulch

EM in Agriculture

Farming with EM implies the following practices:

• Always supply organic material to the soil – mulch or compost – to provide a habitat for the micro-organisms of EM and for naturally occuring organisms.

• Cover the soil with organic matter – mulch and compost – to provide moisture for soil organisms and EM.

• Supply EM bokashi and work it into the topsoil, in particularly prior to a crop season.

• Apply the EM solutions – i.e. extended EM, EM5, and EM-FPE – regularly during the growing stage of your crops.

• Harvest only those parts of the plant that are for use and consumption. Return all crop residues to the fields.

For the preparation of extended EM, EM5, EM-FPE and EM bokashi, please refer to other information leaflets and to the EM application manual by EMRO/APNAN.

Nursery management

(1) EM for seed bath:
To achieve a high germination rate and provide protection against diseases, soak seeds – or pods – in extended EM solution (diluted 1:1,000):
small seeds (e.g. mustard) for 20 to 30 minutes,
medium-size seeds (e.g. cucumber) for 30 to 60 minutes, and
large seeds (e.g. pumpkin) for 2 to 3 hours.

Exceeding these times for a seed bath may result in complete fermentation and compost-ing of seeds instead of germination.

After soaking the seeds or pods may be left to dry under shade for 30 minutes.

(2) In case of vegetative propagation, soak cuttings or tubers etc. for five minutes in the seed bath.

(3) After sowing or planting spray extended EM solution. If seedlings are brought in from outside sources, apply EM prior to planting.

Soil fertility and crop management

(1) Do not cut down on input of manure and compost. Give recommended amounts of compost in dependence of existing soil properties and needs of the crop.

(2) Prepare EM bokashi as a compost bokashi (mixtures if cereal bran, animal manure, oil cake) and apply it at a dosage of 200 gr per sq.m. Work the bokashi into the top two to three inches of soil, two to three weeks prior to crop establishment. If possible apply a thick layer of mulch to retain moisture and thus provide ideal conditions for soil microorganisms and for EM. – If bokashi application is not feasible before crop establishment, apply it with the seeds or around seedlings, but not in direct contact with them.

(3) During the growing period of an annual crop apply extended EM solution at the rate of 20-40 liter per acre diluted at 1:1,000, once a fortnight. For perennial crops spray extended EM solution regularly every two weeks initially. Later decrease application frequency according to effects and results, i.e. once when healthy growth is established. Avoid spraying during the flowering season.

(4) Combine extended EM with EM5 and EM-FPE.

Pest and disease control

As a preventative measure against pest and diseases apply regularly – along with ex-tended EM – sprays of EM5 and EM-FPE on your crop, especially in the early growth stages of annual crops (e.g. once every two weeks). In case of actual pest attack and disease apply both preparations daily or every second day until the disease or the pest recede.

Dilutions for EM5 and EM-FPE are between 1:500 and 1:1,000, volumes are similar to those of extended EM solution.

Weed control

During the preparation of the land provoke germination of all weed seeds in the soil with a thorough application of extended EM. After a week (if moisture is maintained as in a paddy field), when most weed seeds have germinated, plough the seedlings under and follow with the sowing of the crop. After three to four cycles of this practice, the amount of weed seeds reduces and becomes negligible.

Once the crop saplings have grown to 4 to 6 inches, use thick mulch covers to suppress weed growth.

Other EM preparations

In the preparation of EM bokashi and EM-FPE, the farmer should become creative and combine traditional and regional knowledge with EM. The use of EM-fermented mulch and EM-fermented compost is recommended, also the use of EM-soaked charcoal around root systems of trees and other perennials.

Other inputs

The use of agrochemicals such as chemical fertilizers and pesticides reduces the efficacy of EM. All biocides (pesticides, fungicides, weedicides, antibiotics, disinfectants, chlorine etc.) are counteractive to the effect of EM.

Other organic farming inputs such as composts and manures, vermicompost, cow urine or, biodynamic preparations, and other microbial preparations may be combined with EM.

EM can be ideally combined with all practices of organic and sustainable farming. To some extent it can also be successfully combined with chemical fertilizers. EM can be made a great tool for a stepwise conversion from chemical farming to full and certifiable organic farming.

Post-harvest management
Return all crop residues to the field and apply EM bokashi and extended EM to prepare for the next crop.