EM stands for (effective microorganisms). EM is a combination of various beneficial, naturally occurring microorganisms; mostly used for or found in foods. EM contains beneficial organisms from 3 main genera: photosynthetic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria and yeast. These effective microorganisms secrete beneficial substances such as vitamins, organic acids chelated minerals and antioxidants when in contract with organic matter. They change soil micro flora and fauna so that disease-inducting soil becomes disease-suppressing soil, which in turn has the capability to develop into axymogene soil. The anti-oxidation effects of these microorganisms pass directly to the soil or indirectly to plants maintaining their NPK and CN ratio. This process increases the humus content of the soil and is capable of sustaining high quality food production.
Effective microorganisms were developed over many years in liquid form by Prof. Dr. Teruo Higa, University of the Ryukyus, and finished in 1982. At first EM was considered an alternative for agriculture; chemicals. But its use has now spread to application in environmental, industrial and health fields, How ever, it must be stressed that EM is not a synthetic chemical or a medicine but a microbial formula.
a) Industrial solid wastes / sludge
b) Municipal wastes / garbage
c) Industrial effluent
d) Sewage sludge
e) Sewage water
a) Industrial odor / tannery odor
b) Sewage odor
c) Live-stock shed odor
d) Poultry farm odor
e) Indoor odor
a) Reclamation of saline-sodic lands
b) Reuse of saline ground water as irrigation water
c) Organic farming
Using EM Technology, the hazardous metals-laden mineral sludge can be converted into nonhazardous biological sludge for safe disposal and use as biofertilizer in agriculture and as soil conditioner in ameliorating saline-alkali lands.
Using EM Technology, deodorization can be achieved in the industry premises. The elimination of obnoxious odor can be emitted from the stagnant industrial and sewage water using EM Technology.
Using EM Technology, saline-alkali lands can be reclaimed and hazardous groundwater can be made fit for irrigation purposes. The farm refuse and farmyard manure and poultry manure can be converted into compost for promoting organic farming.
Agriculture is a vast field. Land is the basic resource for growing crops at large scale to meet the food requirements of the humans and animals. The application of EM starts from the improvement of land & irrigation water, seed treatment, sprays for the enhancement of photosynthesis and control of insects, pests & diseases. EM Technology, thus, helps to:
i) reclame / ameliorate salt affected lands, improve soil structure and its related properties, improve germination of seeds, growth of crops, enhance photosynthesis, control of weeds, control on insects & disease and finally increase in yield.
ii) remove various problems relating to horticulture (gardens or orchards) to increase fruit production and its quality.
iii) enhance the quality of all types of farmyard manures i.e. animal manure, poultry manure, solid waste, litter, kitchen garbage, green leaves, grass etc when converted into compost, the application of which increases the microbial population in the root zone.
iv) accelerate decomposition of organic matter applied to the land, availability of nutrients to crops and control of insects, pests & diseases.
v) minimize the salinity hazard of groundwater used for irrigation purposes.
vi) conduct sustainable organic farming comparable to farming with synthetic fertilizers.
Vegetables are the most important diet for humans. Some vegetables are eaten as such. Vegetables are very delicate. The application of EM helps to:
i) improve the texture and quality of all the vegetables.
ii) increase the microbial population, accelerate the decomposition of organic matter in the soil and timely release of nutrients for the uptake by the vegetables.
iii) increase the yield.
Gardens & Orchards
Fruits are the rich source of vitamins and minerals to the humans. Insecticides sprays are dangerous for human health as the insecticide (poison) accumulate in the uppermost fruit layer. EM Technology has made it possible to grow fruits without insecticides. EM sprays help to control attack of insects, pests & diseases. The application of EM in various forms helps to:
i) increase microbial population, accelerate decomposition of organic matter and timely release of nutrients, improve and maintain the porosity of the soil under the canopy of fruit trees.
ii) control insects, pest and diseases
iii) enhance photosynthesis
iv) increase fruit yield and its quality
v) carry out sustainable and profitable
Parks & lawns are maintained for the recreation of humans. People like green parks & lawns. A lot of budget is required to keep parks & lawns in good condition. The application of EM products and EM composted organic matter helps to:
i) reclame saline and alkali patches
ii) maintain the soil fertility
iii) increase microbial population
iv) improve the growth of grasses
Animal husbandry
Rearing of animals is always accompanied with foul odor, storage of fluid & solid waste, and their handling and management. It is a permanent problem. However, the application of EM helps to:
i) eliminate foul odor at the livestock, poultry and stud farms
ii) eliminate the pathogens
iii) eliminate flies and mosquitoes
iv) clean the environments
v) provide better working atmosphere to the workmen
vi) create interest in handling of EM composted material, its transport and application in the field
vii) improve digestive system by feeding EM fermented dry feed & green food and offering EM mixed drinking water
viii) improve overall shed environment and reduce / eliminate infections & diseases when sprayed at regular intervals with quantified dozes
ix) improve milk and egg yield
x) improve meat quality in livestock, poultry and fisheries
xi) reduce infant mortality
Environmental pollution:
Industries produce 3 types of pollution i.e. air pollution with the gases and smoke; surface and groundwater pollution with the wastewater (effluent) loaded with various types of salts and pollutants; and land pollution with the solid waste thrown along the road side, open drains, sewage, wastelands and agricultural lands. Industries are of many kinds and have polluted almost all the water bodies in the absence of execution of environmental laws. Latest diseases like cancer, hepatitis, respiratory diseases, diarrhea and others have been caused by the air and water pollution. EM Technology helps to:
i) convert the sludge of industries into biosludge for its safe disposal or application as biofertilizer in floriculture and parks & lawns.
ii) deodorize obnoxious odor of industrial effluent, tanneries, sewage, solid waste, municipal waste etc.
iii) prevent the breeding of flies and mosquitoes
iv) reduce the concentration of pollutants in the effluent for its safe disposal. An extra treatment can make the effluent reusable for watering of flowers and lawns.
v) control surface as well as groundwater pollution
vi) diminish the pollutants in the sewage water and clean it further for safe disposal.
vii) compost municipal waste for reuse.
Recycling of perishable kitchen garbage & Municipal Solid Waste
Kitchen garbage & City Solid Waste is the major source of pollution as it contains perishable vegetative material. It consumes lot of budget for collection and produces problems of foul odor at dumping site. The problem of such waste can be solved and much savings can be made if the kitchen garbage is handled at each household and Municipal Waste is minimized in total. Application of EM helps to:
i) convert garbage into bio-fertilizer usable at home scale.
ii) consume almost no budget, rather reduce expenditure being incurred on the purchase of organic matter from the market to maintain gardening at small or large scale.
iii) reduce the volume of garbage waste collection from each house.
iv) eliminate transportation cost to dump site.
v) reduce management cost at dump site.
vi) eliminate production of foul odor, flies and mosquitoes.
vii) clean bathrooms with the liquid fertilizer produced during recycling of garbage, thus eliminate expenditures on purchase of cleaning/washing material.
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